How to Protect Your Personal Information When Starting a Business


Starting your own business from home is a dream come true for many people. The opportunity to work from home, manage your own time and do things your own way is definitely more freeing compared to working a 9-5 for an employer. However, there are lots of things that you will need to consider in terms of privacy and keeping your personal information safe. Making sure that your personal information is safe will protect you from unwanted contact and ensure that you are able to keep your business and personal lives separate from one another. If you are running your business from home, some of the best ways to keep your personal information private include:

Set Up a Virtual Address

When you start a new business, you are going to need an address to register it at. This address will be provided on any official documentation for your business including tax forms, bank accounts, loans, and communication between suppliers and other companies. If you are running your business from home, giving your home address could be a risk to your privacy. Unlike a business premises, you and your family also live at the address so it’s understandable that you don’t want it in the footer of your website and available to find on official business registries.

Instead, you can use company’s such as Atlanta virtual mailbox services to set up a virtual address. This is an address that your business can be registered at and receives mail to, even if you’re not actually working from it. Companies like this provide addresses for companies throughout the US, with a PO Box where your mail can be sent and then forwarded to your home, while keeping your personal address private.

Use a Second Phone

If you’re running a business, it’s a good idea to have a phone number where you can be contacted by customers, suppliers, and others. However, using your personal phone number is not a great idea as not only is it giving your personal information away to the public which could pose privacy risks, but you could end up being bombarded with calls and messages at all times, even when you’re not working. Instead, a second phone that is purely for business use will help to keep the two separate and allow you to keep your personal number for personal communication only.

Set Up a Business Email Address

A business email address not only looks more professional and polished, but it will also ensure that you can keep the two separate. Instead of giving your personal email address out, set up an email address with your business domain, such as ‘’ to protect your identity and privacy, and give customers and others a way of contacting your business easily. You can choose to have emails automatically forwarded to your personal address if you prefer, but this way you do not have to give it away to strangers.

When running a business from home, it’s crucial to keep your personal information safe. The best way to do this is to set up an address, contact number, and email address that are purely for business use.

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