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5 Tips for Maintaining Your Heat Pump


As winter approaches, homeowners around the United States will focus on keeping the inside of their homes warm and toasty. Keeping the inside of your home warm during this time of year will require the use of a reliable heating system. Millions of homes in the United States are equipped with heat pump systems.

Heat pumps are usually more reliable and efficient, which is why they are so popular. If you want to keep your heat pump running strong throughout the winter months, then you need to consider the maintenance tips below.

1. Clean Your Outdoor Condenser Unit

Getting familiar with the various components your heating system has is important. If you have a heat pump, you will have an outdoor condenser unit that is tied to it. This part of the unit is responsible for pulling in air from outdoors for the heat pump to warm. One of the main problems that can occur with your condenser unit is debris accumulation.

If leaves and dirt are covering the outside of this unit, it will struggle to stay functional. The last thing you want is for this lack of airflow to lead to the need for a heat pump replacement. This is why you need to clean this portion of your heating system regularly.

2. Don’t Forget About Your Air Filters

One of the main things your heat pump needs to stay functional is adequate airflow. There are a number of problems that can restrict the airflow in your heating system. Dirty air filters are one of the most common causes of airflow restrictions.

This is why checking and changing your air filter once every two months is a good idea. By doing this, you can also give your indoor air quality a boost.

3. Check Your Vents

When the weather outside starts to cool off, you will need a functional heat pump to avoid discomfort inside of your home. Taking the time to inspect the return vents in your home is a wise move. If these vents are obstructed, the air warmed by your heat pump will be unable to circulate through your home.

Furniture is one of the most common vent obstructions. Removing these obstructions will help you keep the inside of your home warm and comfortable.

4. Find and Fix Duct Leaks

The older your heating system gets, the harder it will be to avoid duct gaps and leaks. When the tape used to attach the ductwork to the vents starts to age, it will allow air to leak out. This will make your home colder and your energy bills more expensive.

Find and Fix Duct Leaks

5. Invest in Professional Maintenance

As a homeowner, there is only so much you can do to keep your heat pump functional. Allowing professionals to help with your heat pump maintenance needs is a good idea. These professionals will have the time and tools needed to keep your heat pump running efficiently.

By implementing these tips, you can avoid heat pump breakdowns this winter.

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