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6 Options to Try for a Better Sleeping Space for Your Child

6 Options to Try for a Better Sleeping Space for Your Child

You are not alone if your child is having trouble sleeping. Many parents wonder what could be the problem causing their child not to stay in bed. Many factors could be contributing to this, but an easy one you can address is their sleeping space. Everyone sleeps best in a cool dark and quiet room. So, your kid’s room should also have the same feel if they are struggling with sleep. Also, you can consider having a sleep routine that they follow religiously to help them sleep fast and better. Below are some options you can consider to creating a perfect sleep environment for your child.

1. Comfortable mattress and bedding 

When your child sleeps on their bed, they sleep better opposed to when they share with a sibling. Thus, you should invest in quality purple mattress and quality beddings to help your child sleep better and wake up refreshed. As you shop for comfortable beddings follow the age-appropriate guidelines to get the right ones. If your child’s mattress is old and worn out, consider buying a new one, also for pillows and beddings.

2. A tidy bedroom

Teach your child from an early age to associate the bed with sleep and relaxation and this will pave their way to be good sleepers. Thus, encourage them to tidy up their room by clearing away toys and school stuff. Also, as you do this, teach them to keep screens out of the bedroom space as well. This will help to reinforce the idea that the bed is for sleeping. For your toddler, encourage using a comfort object like a security blanket or teddy bear instead of a mobile phone.

3. Soothing scents 

Some kids are stubborn sleepers, and it can be exhausting as a parent to get them to stay in bed. If this is the case, try using soothing scents through aromatherapy. Lavender, for instance, is a calming scent that helps to promote relaxation. Most importantly, keep them away from secondhand smoke, especially if you have someone in the house who smokes. This will help them sleep better for inhaling secondhand smoke is known to cause sleep problems in children. Keep your children’s sleeping area a tobacco-free zone to limit exposure.

4. Install a night light 

Dark sleep environments are better, but a nightlight in your kid’s bedroom will give them much-needed security especially if your kid is scared of the dark. Also, it comes in handy if your child needs to go for nighttime bathroom breaks instead of having to use an overhead light. Using a nightlight helps keep light levels low, and it helps them get back to sleep fast. Keep nightlights on the dimmest setting, for best results.

5. White noise 

A common disruptor of sleep quality is noise from inside or outside the house. Unfortunately, children can struggle to achieve a silent bedroom at night, especially if other members are awake. To solve this challenge, buy a white noise machine to help mask any noises around the home. As you choose a white noise for your toddler, opt for low-key sounds, for instance, waves lapping, and keep the volume at a level that is safe for your child’s hearing.

6. Lower the thermostat 

The thermostat temperatures can affect sleep and it is best to lower them for easier and better sleep. This will keep the bedroom temperature cooler and it naturally prepares the body for the sleeper. The ideal temperature for your child’s sleeping space is between 66 and 70 degrees. If they are older they can easily regulate temperature by removing or adding blankets. However, for the young ones, keep the temperature at a comfortable range and dress them appropriately. Notably, do not over bundle them as this increases the risk of sudden infant syndrome.

To sum up, the above options are a few tweaks to your child’s bedroom space. They will be of help to set them up for better sleep and improve their sleep set up. Children who sleep well, do perform better in school and have a reduced likelihood of developing health and mood problems. Teaching them young helps them stick to a routine in the long run.


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