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Are Cloud Computing Solutions Worth Implementing?

Are Cloud Computing Solutions Worth Implementing?

If there’s one thing you can say about cloud computing, it’s that every company is eager to get started with implementation. But is it as simple as calling a software development firm and having everything taken care of?

Well, no. There’s a lot of exciting potential with cloud computing but you can’t fully realize that potential if you buy into the hype blindly.

Building a software development team takes time and effort. There are no shortcuts and trying to find one is more like asking for trouble than anything else.

So let’s delve into a sobering exploration of cloud computing and whether your company has the right tools.

The Upsides

The advantages are numerous and people will be praising cloud computing for a long time to come. This praise is entirely deserved as you’ll see.

Autoscaling and Affordability

Software with autoscaling capability means that your maintenance costs just got slashed. Whether you need to expand the scope of existing services or develop new ones, the process is simplified a whole lot.

No more investing in new software every 2 years.

Accessibility and Backups

With cloud implementation services you can centralize tasks and communication. Whether your team needs to work remotely or in office, everything will be at the click of a button.

Similarly, you won’t run the risk of losing backups. Everything exists in a shared space without overloading memory and without the risks of being stored in physical hardware.


Also worth noting, is how well the custom software can be used to bolster cybersecurity. For many businesses, assuring clients and customers about the safety of their platform is paramount.

With cloud computing you can keep data secure and protected without requiring many resources to do so.

The Downsides

But of course, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Cloud computing is great when you know how to invest in it. That means a lot can go wrong if you don’t understand the software development life cycle.

  • Staff isn’t fully trained to use the software
  • Not enough experienced professionals on your development team
  • Unrealistic goals leading to rushed results and higher costs
  • Investing in services and tools the company doesn’t require
  • No clear strategy for which services to integrate

The Difference Maker

As you can see, things aren’t quite as clear cut as you might have initially thought. A lot of work goes into this kind of transition and you need to consider many things.

  • Audit and assess the needs and requirements of your business
  • Train staff as soon as possible
  • Make sure you have an experienced software development team
  • Expect goals to be achieved long term
  • Focus on minor tasks first, to prevent loss of productivity on major tasks
  • Stay flexible to changes

The Bottom Line

So, what does it all mean when we put it together? Well it means that your company can’t rush to the finish line on this. Planning is the first priority. And without knowing the needs of your business, you can’t reasonably proceed.

All of the benefits are worth it and most would benefit from them. But if you aren’t intentional about how you proceed, the only guarantee is big preventable problems.

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