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Best Practices for Securing Networks with Penetration Testing

Best Practices for Securing Networks with Penetration Testing

Penetration testing is a great way to ensure the security of your network. It allows you to identify and address vulnerabilities before malicious actors can exploit them. However, for penetration testing to be effective, it must be conducted in accordance with certain best practices.

The following are some of the best practices for securing networks through penetration testing:

1. Establish Scope and Objectives

Before beginning any kind of penetration test, it’s important to clearly define the objectives and scope of the engagement. This will help ensure that the tests are focused on specific areas and that all potential risks are identified. In addition, it will help guarantee that any findings are relevant and actionable.

2. Plan Ahead

According to Chiang Rai Times, all organizations need to have a comprehensive security plan in place before performing any type of testing. This should include an inventory of the networks, systems, and applications that need to be tested, as well as procedures for responding to potential threats.

3. Utilize Automation

Automating certain aspects of penetration testing can save time and resources while still yielding results. From automated vulnerability scans to pre-built exploit libraries, there are many tools available to help with the process.

4. Leverage Multi-Factor Authentication

Implementing multi-factor authentication is one of the most effective ways to protect against unauthorized access. Requiring users to authenticate using multiple methods (e.g., passwords and biometric data) creates an additional layer of security that makes it difficult for malicious actors to gain access.

5. Monitor Results

Penetration testing should be monitored and tracked closely to ensure that any identified risks are addressed in a timely manner. Tracking the results and taking appropriate action will help protect your organization from potential threats.

Penetration testing is a critical tool for securing networks and systems against cyber threats. It involves using simulated attacks to identify weaknesses in the system that could be exploited by malicious actors. By understanding potential vulnerabilities, organizations can take steps to protect themselves from real-world attacks.

In this article, we will discuss best practices for conducting penetration tests and how they can help improve security.


The first step in any successful penetration test is planning. This involves understanding the scope of the test and what needs to be tested, as well as creating a timeline and budget for the project. Additionally, it’s important to define which systems or networks will be included in the test and whether or not external sources should be consulted.

Risk Assessment

Before any penetration testing can begin, it’s important to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities. This involves taking an inventory of all systems and networks that may be targeted and understanding their current security posture. Additionally, any existing threats should be catalogued and addressed as part of the risk assessment process.

Testing Methodology

Once the scope of the test has been determined, it’s important to decide on a methodology for conducting the tests. There are several different techniques and tools available, such as black box, white box or grey box testing. Depending on the complexity of the network or system being tested, one approach may be more suitable than another.

Test Reporting

At the end of the test, it’s important to provide an accurate and detailed report to management. The report should include any vulnerability that was discovered, along with recommendations for mitigating them. Additionally, it should also include steps taken to reduce risks during the testing process and any additional security measures that could be implemented.

Post-Test Follow-Up

After the test has been completed, it’s important to follow up on any identified security issues. This involves regularly running scans to check for new threats or vulnerabilities in the system as well as ensuring that all recommended security patches have been applied. Additionally, organizations should continue to monitor their networks and systems for signs of malicious activity or unauthorized access.


Penetration testing is an essential tool for organizations looking to protect themselves from cyber threats. By following these best practices, organizations can ensure that their networks and systems are secure and protected from potential attackers. Additionally, regular testing is necessary to identify any new vulnerabilities or threats in the system that may have gone undetected before. With the right planning and execution, penetration testing services can be an invaluable asset for keeping networks safe and secure.


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