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Everything You Need & Want To Know About Wolf Spiders

Everything You Need & Want To Know About Wolf Spiders

Wolf spiders have an unfortunate name, it conjures images of a spider with a wolf head. That’s truly terrifying and not something you want to encounter in your own home. The good news is that wolf spiders aren’t generally a threat.

Of course, that won’t stop you from contacting a pest control agency to have them eliminated from your home. After all, they aren’t paying rent. Learn more here about your local agency.

The Wolf Spider

You may not know it but the Wolf Spider is the most common spider in the world! The color of the spider changes slightly depending on where they live as it camouflages itself into the surrounding environment.

The Wolf Spider is dark brown with pale markings on its back, it has a long torso and the standard eight legs. It grows to approximately 2 inches long. However, while their appearance could be confused with many other spiders, they do have one obvious difference.

Wolf Spiders have three rows of eight eyes and two larger eyes in the middle. If you are in the dark and shine a torch at the spider the light will bounce off their large eyes!

Where the Wolf Spider Lives

If you have an infestation of Wolf Spiders then you should find out more about your local professionals and let them deal with the issue. However, in most cases, they don’t live inside the house!

Wolf Spiders are unusual in the spider world as they don’t create a web and wait for bugs to fly into it. Instead, the Wolf Spider is a surprisingly fast runner. They prefer to live on the ground and hide. When potential prey goes by they will spring out of their hiding place and chase after the prey until they catch it.

You are most likely to find them in long grass, under plants or rocks, and inside logs, especially ones that are starting to rot.

If you do find them in your home they will be hidden away in the corner of a basement or attic. Although, it is also possible to find them in cracks around your doors and windows.

Wolf Spider Poison

Wolf Spiders don’t have venom, they simply bite their prey and, thanks to their size, can kill it with a bite. They won’t bite a human unless they are startled and have nowhere to run.

Because they are comparatively large a bite is likely to feel pain. However, in most cases, the pain will quickly subside and the wound will heal. The only time you should be concerned is if you have an allergic reaction to the spider bite.

In this case, you are like to feel the muscles around the bite cramping. You may experience headaches, nausea, feel dizzy, and even start sweating. It’s also common to have a rash around the bite area. In these cases, you’ll need medical attention to combat the allergic reaction.

Don’t forget, before you simply eliminate a Wolf Spider, they do prey on cockroaches, mealworms, beetles, and crickets, all creatures you probably don’t want in your house


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