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Home Security 101: A Definitive Guide To Prevent Break-In

Home Security

Keep in mind that preventing criminal activity is far simpler than apprehending criminals.

Moving into a brand new property is exciting, but setting up reliable security and learning to utilize new home security systems or devices can be daunting. The good news is that there are many low-cost home security options, from do-it-yourself monitoring systems to cutting-edge smart locks. This has resulted in a steady annual decline in burglaries.

Despite this downward trend, the FBI’s figures show that burglaries occur approximately every half minute in the United States, making protecting your loved ones and property a top priority. For your convenience, we have compiled a list of the seven easiest and least expensive ways to make your home more secure and less likely to be broken into.

7 Ways To Prevent House Break-Ins

1. Install high-quality door locks

Locking your doors and windows may not be enough to dissuade intruders if you don’t have high-quality locks installed. According to expert Frisco locksmiths, installing deadbolts on all outside doors, including emergency exits, would be best. The deadbolt will significantly reduce the likelihood of your home being broken into. It’s important to double-check the door’s hinges and the door frame to ensure they’re both strong enough to withstand forced entry.

Besides installing smart locks that you can manage from a distance, a burglar-proof security screen for your doors is another sensible precaution.

2. Invest in a home security system

Installing an electronic security system is essential to effectively prevent house break-ins, deter potential burglars, and alert you to any attempted break-ins. Statistics show that the likelihood of a home invasion increases threefold when no security system is present.

Experts recommend installing surveillance cameras while figuring out how to secure your home from intruders. You will be alerted to any suspicious activity if you install security cameras and motion detectors at potential entry points like doors and windows.

3. Place exterior lighting strategically

Criminals prefer to be out of sight when they break into a home. While engaging in their illicit activities, they’d rather nobody see them. In most cases, burglaries are simply crimes of opportunity, but by installing exterior lighting, you can reduce this window of opportunity and put a spotlight on their suspicious behavior.

Installing motion-sensor outside lights is a good idea to prevent house invasions and break-ins.  So instead of leaving your exterior light on all the time, invest in motion-sensor lights that only turn on when they sense movement. Any intruder stumbling upon this lighting will likely be startled and flee.

4. Be sure to lock up your garage

People often go to great lengths to ensure the safety of their homes, but they often need to remember the security of their garages. A garage that has been left unlocked is an open invitation to burglars. Ensure that you always check if garage doors and windows are securely locked.

5. Consider buying a mechanical safe

Sadly, there is no such thing as a perfectly fail-safe security system; hence there are no such things as absolutely secure premises. Consequently, some opt for a “policy of minimum loss” to reduce the value of property stolen from their homes. By taking these precautions, the potential financial impact of a break-in is reduced to a minimum.

If you have cash, jewels, important documents, or other items you don’t want stolen, invest in a mechanical safe or a safety deposit box to keep them secure.

6. Make it a habit to close and lock your doors and windows

Intruders will gladly take advantage of any door or window that isn’t locked. Locking your doors and windows, even if you are home, is a good safety measure. In addition, invest in a sturdy front door and burglar-proof windows, and make it a habit to lock up every time you leave the house.

7. Keep the house looking occupied

It is common knowledge that burglars are less inclined to break into a home if they see people inside. They would instead break into an empty house and escape without being seen. Therefore, it is always a good idea to make it look like someone is home to discourage break-ins.

If you’ll be gone for an extended period, such as on vacation, have a trusted friend or neighbor pick up your mail. To give the impression that someone is at home, utilize smart lights that you can program to turn on and off at specific times.

Key Takeaway

A home break-in is a terrifying experience for anyone. By implementing the suggestions above, you may protect your home, belongings, and loved ones from harm. You should begin with the more straightforward steps and work your way up to more extensive ones. Your home and family will be far more secure and safe when even the smallest improvements have been made.








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