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How to Choose Your Car Insurance Deductible (2021 Guide)

How to Choose Your Car Insurance Deductible (2021 Guide)

We have a lot of questions about the future, but one thing that is for certain is your car insurance deductible. We know that it can be tough to figure out which deductible you should choose and how much it will cost you each month. So we as Car Expert group are here for you!

In 2021, people are expected to see an increase in their monthly premiums due to changes in the law from President Trump’s administration. One of those changes includes a mandate on greater minimum coverage limits. This means that most drivers will need a higher deductible on their policies than they do now if they want lower rates. It’s still unclear what this change will mean for car insurance prices so stay tuned!

What is Car Insurance Deductible?

Car insurance deductibles are amounts of money you pay out-of-pocket before your auto insurance company will begin to help. The larger your deductible, the lower your premium.

What is a Deductible?

The minimum amount of money that you agree to pay out-of-pocket before any part of an auto insurance claim paid by your insurer (insurance company). The higher deductible that you choose, the lower your premium. You have to decide how much risk you want to take for yourself by choosing a higher or lower deductible.

How Do Car Insurance Deductibles Work?

Deductible works when you make a claim with your car insurer. Typically, you agree to pay $100 toward a claim, and your insurer covers the remainder.

What are the Types of Insurance Coverages with Deductibles?

Here is an example of some coverage types that you can choose from: no-deductible, low-deductible, and high-deductible.

  • No deductible auto insurance policy – One type of car insurance deductibles is choosing no deductible auto insurance. With No deductible car insurance policy, you will likely pay a higher premium on top of your claim free record and your current credit score (if these are factors).
  • Low-deductible car insurance – If you choose a low deductible for your car insurance policy, one example in this case is choosing $500 for your low-deductible car insurance. With this, there is a higher chance that you will get more discounts from your auto insurance company than choosing higher deductible car insurance because of the good driving record and stable credit history.
  • High-deductible car insurance – The highest deductible would be $1,000 in a high-deductible car insurance. With this, it is likely that you will get a lower premium than choosing low deductible or no deductible car insurance because there are still discounts available to be had for good driving records and stable credit histories.

How Do You Choose Your Car Insurance Deductibles?

So, how do you choose your car insurance deductible?

Here are more tips on how to choose your car insurance deductibles: firstly, you need to talk about your deductibles with your family and friends; secondly, check out the car insurance deductibles in other states.

Follow and read the below steps:

Step 1 – Finding the good match for yourself: firstly, find out a good deductible that fits your pocket or monthly budget; secondly, find out what level of coverage is suitable for you (high-deductible plan or low-deductible plan); thirdly, find out if your state still allow you to choose deductibles with your car insurance company.

Step 2 – Figuring out what coverage is right for you: firstly, find out how many cars do you have?; secondly, get the list of things that are included in your current coverage package; thirdly, get to know some main coverage terms of your current auto insurance policy.

Step 3 – Know the type of car insurance deductible: firstly, make sure that you are aware how deductibles work; secondly, ask your insurer if there is a deductible waiver in force in case of a claim; thirdly, check out whether or not a separate collision deductible applies to the car you are insuring.

Step 4 – Assess the coverage of your current auto insurance policy: firstly, get a list of coverages that include in your current auto insurance policy; secondly, find out what is covered by comprehensive and collision portion of your current auto insurance plan; thirdly, check if there is a no-deductible bonus.

Step 5 – Calculate the total price of collision coverage with deductibles: firstly, get to know the insurance discount and your current claim free record; secondly, look up state law about car insurance deductible(s) maximum limits. Using the ontario car insurance calculator can help you find the best possible coverage for your car.

Step 6 – Get quotes for other companies’ auto insurance policy with car insurance deductibles: firstly, get a list of companies that you are able to choose; secondly, find out the total price for deductibles you need (including up-front discounts); thirdly, compare this new quote with your existing auto insurance company.

Step 7 – Get quotes from other companies’ auto insurance policy with no deductibles: firstly, get a list of companies that you are able to choose; secondly, find out the total price for No deductible auto insurance policy; thirdly, compare this new quote with your existing auto insurance company.

Step 8 – Send your car insurance company an application form and wait their response within 24 hours: firstly, get to know the terms and conditions of your current auto insurance company; secondly, compare your new quote with your current one and see if you can save money by switching car insurance deductibles.

Step 9 – Check out if there are additional coverage in your state or not? First, find out what is special about “No-deductible” car insurance; secondly, find out if there is a state minimum coverage in your state.

Step 10 – Make a decision: firstly, check to see the monthly payment of choosing your car insurance deductibles; secondly, do you think that choosing no deductible car insurance policy will be beneficial for you?

Step 11 – Finally, contact your current auto insurance company to cancel your previous auto insurance policy, and get the new one with car insurance deductibles to save more money.

What Happens If You Can’t Pay Your Deductible?

Deductibles are an amount of money that you agree to pay out-of-pocket toward a claim before any part of the covered loss is paid by your insurance company. If you do not follow through with paying your policy’s deductible, some insurers will cancel your policy for non-payment.

Deductible amounts by state – The maximum amount you pay out-of-pocket toward your claim before the policy pays anything is called ‘deductible’. These rules vary by state, and are regulated by each states Department of Insurance. You should check with your department to determine what car insurance deductible amount applies within your state.

Deductible table – The deductible amount you agree to pay out-of-pocket toward a claim before the policy pays anything. These rules vary by state and are regulated by each states Department of Insurance. You should check with your department to determine what car insurance deductible amounts applies within your state.


We hope this article has been helpful in understanding what car insurance deductible is and how to choose the right one for you. If you have any feedback or questions, please comment below!

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