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How to Prepare for the PMP Exam?

How to Prepare for the PMP Exam

Fee for the renewal: The PMP certificate is valid for 3 years. It must be renewed every 3 years with 60 Professional Development Units and USD 150.

To sum up, the total cost of the PMP training, the PMP examination, and the PMP certificate renewal are about USD 233.1.

If you hold a bachelor’s degree or above, you should gain 4,500 hours of project management experience, over 36 months of project management in the recent 6 years, and a certificate of 35 hours of training.

If you hold an associate’s degree or below, you should gain 7,500 hours of project management experience, over 60 months of project management in recent 8 years, and a certificate of 35 hours of training.

Test venue is located in every major city in the country. Most of a first-tier city has the examination site, there will be a notice about the specific place after you have signed up successfully.

In the exam, 25 questions will be randomly selected without scoring.

The test format is the written test in China. You need to fill in the answers in the answer sheet. The results will be released about 6 weeks after the test.

Exam Textbook is the PMBOK latest edition which is still the 6th edition. It’s about 700 pages.

PMP is based on the project management methodology of PMBOK. Whatever your occupation field it is, software development, real estate, financial industry, civil engineering, public construction, aerospace, or other industries. As long as the project is related to the application of this theory, you can use it freely. So there is no need to consider industry factors. For most people, attaining certification is based on its rate of return on investment, and it really helps to know whether the certification will help you or not.

  1. If your company reimburses you for the training and examination fees, you can consider taking a PMP. You do not need to spend money, and you still can take an examination of a certificate. Why not take a try?
  2. If the company does not reimburse you, but you are taking the work about managing projects and want to go further and more smoothly in the future in the project management field, you can give priority to high projects. If you have a sufficient budget, you can consider PMP.
  3. If you are in a management position with increasing income and higher job stability, taking the PMP certification is recommended. And in the future have plans to struggle in foreign companies, PMP has a certain degree of recognition.
  4. If the company does not reimburse any expenses and you have no interest in project management and can not use it, it is not very recommended.

If you are planning to register for the PMP, the following experience can be used for reference. There are a lot of preparation materials and experiences on the Internet. You can seek them by yourself. I only emphasize a few of my tips here.

  1. Read more books and do more exercises. PMBOK should be learning 3 times. You may feel very boring and abstract at the first time reading the book. After listening to the lecture to read the book again, the effect will be much better. You need to finish the exercise by considering their quality rather than their amounts. The simulation and the sprint questions are given by the training institutions should be finished carefully, and the incorrect questions should be analyzed carefully. The train of thought should be combed and the knowledge points should be remembered by returning to the textbook.
  2. Keep learning. If you are making the PMP preparation, you need to stick to studying them every day. According to my own experience, I watch an explanation video for 1 hour every night, do exercises for 0.5 hours, and read a book for 1 hour. I guarantee that I can spend at least 2 hours studying every day.
  3. Relax yourself and mix work and rest. Passing the PMP certification is the end but not the end. We should put what we have learned into practice and apply the project management knowledge system we have learned to practical work. Only in practice can we better transform knowledge into our own abilities, can we give full play to its value.

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