Make your home look bigger: five worthy ideas you cannot ignore


Homeowners take immense pride in how they decorate their homes. Your home reflects your style and your values better than anything else, and it’s the one place where you can be comfortable. However, small homeowners might lament the lack of space when they start decorating. It can seem incredibly stifling to figure out how to create your dream home without enough room. However, when you have the right ideas, you can make even the smallest space look incredibly spacious and decorate it as you wish.

There’s much more room for creativity when you can develop ingenious ways to add elegance and class to your small home. When done right, you can create an incredibly sophisticated, beautiful area. However, if you’re having a hard time brainstorming, we’ve got your back. Below, we’ve listed some of the best ways to make a small home look more spacious.

Use a storage unit

One of the biggest reasons your home might look smaller than it is probably due to having many unnecessary items clogging up your space. Even the most prominent areas can start to seem cramped and stuffy if you have too much going on. However, it might seem like too drastic a step to toss out most of your furniture and start afresh.

Here’s where storage units come in. Storage units provide the best facility for storing items that you don’t want to sell or you may need later. If you have a small house without enough space to place everything, you can benefit immensely from this rental facility. Using storage facilities smartly can give you ample space in your house to do away with any clutter. Storing your unwanted items saves enough space to décor and make your home look more prominent. You can keep your extra furniture, appliances, machines, books, and much other stuff. When you have more space in your house, you can easily décor your home the way you want.

Use light and dark colors intelligently

If you’re looking to make a smaller house look bigger, you need to pay a lot of attention to how you use color. More specifically, painting your walls in light or dark shades can create the illusion of a bigger space. But medium-toned colors can have the opposite effect. Pastel shades will make your home look bigger and make your room appear light and airy while adding immense sophistication. You can create a stunning contrast with a darker tone in the same shade range to create a beautiful effect that makes your home appear brighter and more spacious.

Along with pastels walls, you can use darker toned furniture pieces and floral fabric on your sofas. This kind of light and dark combination creates depth in your house, and with less décor, you can make your home seem spacious and incredibly elegant.

Choose larger decorative pieces

When you own a slightly small house, you need to consider your space first and then buy furniture accordingly. For example, don’t buy everything you like randomly; analyze your area first. For instance, big statement chairs for your living or bedrooms look much better than full-size sofas. Moreover, you can create space by adding furniture with open or exposed legs, which allows you to see space under your furniture. The more you show the floor, the bigger and more spacious it’ll seem.

Furthermore, it’s vital to place your décor pieces strategically. You can set your decorative pieces in groups of 2 or maybe 3 to 4 items. Don’t place decorative pieces on every table or every corner. Otherwise, your room can seem overwhelmingly full.

Pay attention to lighting.

A warmly lit space can seem much more spacious and airy than dimly lit spaces and areas with super bright lighting. Lamp lights give your home a dreamy, soft look and create illusions of a bigger space. Furthermore, strategically placed lamps spread light beautifully on your desired pieces. You can also opt for dangling lights and chandeliers, which cast a magical, warm glow across the room and make it seem much more open.

Windows are crucial for creating the illusion of a bigger space too. Generally, people don’t give much attention to their windows. However, this mistake can make your rooms seem much more cramped. In smaller homes, use floor-length curtains instead of using blinds. Curtains with floor-length help elongate the room by drawing the eye upwards. Furthermore, you can place a high-top side table against the curtains and add big chunky pieces to your table. Again, create a focus for the eye, and you can easily make your home look more prominent with just a few intelligent moves.

Add mirrors

Adding mirrors in your house can make it look more prominent, and it can shine a light on your darker corners and walls. For example, if you have a big blank wall in your home, hang a life-size mirror on that wall, and you will see a visible difference in your small house. That mirror creates an illusion of the room being much bigger than it is and adds depth to your home. However, you don’t just need to go with more oversized mirrors. Even strategically placed smaller mirrors can help your house seem much more spacious.

If you place lights and mirrors side by side, it will surely give you the feel of a larger house. It is because the light from windows and lamps will bounce on the mirrors and make your smaller area bigger and lighter. Mirrors create an excellent focal point in any location and help jazz up your house. However, it’s vital to remember not to go overboard, or you may create a harsh glare.


Every home is unique for the residents; it’s your place of comfort and your identity. So, it’s essential to think things through before you decorate. Don’t just place everything you have, or you want to buy any item. This extra thought can help you create a stunning, beautiful place regardless of how much space you have. Furthermore, it can help you maximize comfort and accessibility. If you follow these tips, you can make your home look beautiful, but if you decorate haphazardly, you will lose the feel of your dream home. These tips can help you create a wonderfully beautiful place without breaking the bank.

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