Montessori Floor Bed: Sleep Tips for Tired Parents


Montessori nurseries differ from traditional ones in that the child’s bed is placed not on high legs but directly on the floor or on a small base. This construction makes the sleeping area safe and facilitates the child’s ability to climb into and out of bed independently, aligning with Montessori philosophy, which advocates for providing children the opportunity to be independent in a prepared and safe environment. In some cases, a Montessori floor bed becomes a lifesaver for parents who are tired of their child sleeping poorly in a crib but not yet ready for a regular bed.

Moreover, the Montessori bed with rails remains relevant for both toddlers and schoolchildren. Parents don’t need to buy a new bed every few years and force the child to adapt to changes. One bed solves all problems at once.

Benefits of a floor bed with rails

A child has more space to lie comfortably and enjoy sleep, making falling asleep and pre-sleep routines easier.

  • Being on the floor with rails protects the child from falling at night, minimizing the risk of injury.
  • An adult can also fit in a floor bed. You can lie down together, read a picture book, watch a cartoon, listen to soothing music, or simply embrace the child, making them feel cozier. It’s also a good way to comfort a toddler if they have a bad dream: you can lie down next to them for a while and give them the desired feeling of security.
  • From a high bed, a toddler cannot get out without adult help, so the morning usually starts with the child waking up, waiting, and beginning to cry. The Montessori Bed with Rails allows the child to get up and play calmly. Tears are canceled out.

The morning becomes less hectic and emotionally tense, the evening more pleasant, and the night calmer.

When to transition a child to a floor bed?

A child is theoretically ready for a transition to a floor bed when they can confidently sit and crawl. However, individual characteristics should be considered. In most cases, it’s better to wait until the child is 12-18 months old. At this stage of development, they move better, walk, and run without support, meaning they have better control over their body. Thus, sleeping in a floor bed from this age is a safe alternative to a crib or cradle.

How to transition from a crib to a floor bed with rails?

To avoid spending the whole night persuading the toddler to sleep in a separate bed, make the process smooth and gradual. Start by choosing a bed that may appeal to the child (you can even offer a choice between several options).

Allow time for adaptation. At first, the child may just nap for a few minutes or during nap time in the new bed. Organize the space together: put their favorite toys next to the bed (play as if they are also going to sleep here). Gradually, the child will get used to it being a safe space where they feel comfortable. You can also make this place more attractive by choosing bedding with prints of your favorite fairy tale characters.

Make it a habit to spend time together in the bed before sleep. Read aloud, sing lullabies, and play calm and enjoyable games. Create positive associations with the new bed so that the child perceives it as a cozy haven.

Another important prerequisite for healthy sleep is a consistent bedtime routine. It’s essential to go to bed at the same time every day and follow the same sequence of actions before sleep. For example, dinner, relaxation, brushing teeth, reading a book together, then dimming the lights, and parents telling the child it’s time to sleep. When this ritual is repeated day after day, the child gets used to it, and this predictability becomes the basis for their sense of security, making it easier for them to relax and fall asleep peacefully.

If a child feels love, care, and safety before sleep, it ultimately helps the whole family to see the sweetest dreams.

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