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PNG vs JPEG: Which Will Reign Supreme?

PNG vs JPEG: Which Will Reign Supreme?

When it comes to editing and storing photos, there’s one thing that you’ll have to decide on. That thing is what file format you want to save the image as. Your main choices will be PNG vs. JPEG.

They both have different positives to bring to the table. PNG files are better for overlays and background effects. If you want to play around with your images in photoshop, PNGs are probably what you’ll be using.

JPEGs take up less space on your computer and are supported by most picture viewing programs. These are only a few facts to keep in mind.

Check out this guide to learn what image file types would best suit your needs.

What Is a JPEG?

JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group. Using it is the most common way to store pictures. If you take a photo with your camera, the device will most likely pack it away as a JPEG.

They don’t take up a lot of space, which makes them ideal for websites. The more you compress the image, however, the more it’s going to drop in quality.

What Is a PNG?

PNGs or Portable Network Graphics are mostly used for logos and illustrations. They’re easy to work with in photoshop because they allow for a transparent background.

The downside to PNGs is that they take up a lot more room than your standard JPEG. You can compress PNGs, but the file size will still be a bit on the larger side.

When to Use JPEGs?

For the most part, if you’re planning to show off your weekend vacation photos, JPEGs are going to be your bread and butter. They’re great for displaying pictures of actual objects.

Again, JPEGs are best for websites because they’re smaller than PNGs. If you have a bunch of PNG photos on your site, it will slow the entire thing down.

When to Use PNGs?

You should use a PNG maker if you’re worried about compressing your images too much. Once you compress a JPEG to a certain point, it will become too blurry to look good.

Having a bunch of grainy pictures on your site won’t do well for first impressions either. You can use PNGs for your site when you’re working with text images and pictures that use a lot of solid colors.

If you know that you’re going to be editing a picture over and over again, store it as a PNG. JPEGs aren’t great for that. PNGs are also recommended for images that have a sharp contrast.

PNG Vs. JPEG: Everything You Need to Know

PNG Vs. JPEG, which is better for your needs? That all depends on what you need your images for. JPEGs are better suited for websites.

PNG files work best for photo editing. You can edit and save them as many times as possible without worrying about them dropping in quality.

If you’re looking for more photography advice, visit the Technology section of our blog.


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