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Sustainable Home Improvement – How to Make Your House Eco-Friendly


Are you tired of watching your environment fall apart due to the effects of climate change, air pollution, urban sprawl, and global warming? Well, we’re glad. Of course, you can’t fix the earth overnight, but you can improve your home and, eventually, influence others to do the same.

But how? Keep reading; in this article JTS Management will explain everything.

Somewhere between Hawaii and California, a patch of plastic has now been snowballed into the size of a landmark. Nowadays, finding a solution may seem challenging – something best left to our politicians and lawmakers. But there is something you can do from the comfort of your own home—practice sustainability.

Being environmentally friendly is good economics – for our budget, home, and of course, the earth. Many small changes can lead to significant results, such as reduced landfill waste, clean air, and a natural landscape. Sure, you could invest in a new line of renewable energy appliances or patch your home up with solar panels, but we suggest starting small. Get answers to your questions by checking out gas or electric water heaters.

So, let’s check some significant steps you can take to add a touch of sustainability to your home and go from anti-green to green.

1. Install solar panels in your home

For any house wanting to become eco-friendly, solar panels are a viable feature. Despite causing you a small initial outflow of money, they can help you save more money in the long run.

Many utility companies provide credits and rebates to homeowners who install solar systems. That said, you can either lease or buy solar panels and derive pure, clean, and healthy energy from the sun. One of the many benefits of solar panels (other than helping you reduce costs) is reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fossil fuel use. Some people are lucky enough to discover that solar panels offer enough electricity for them to go entirely off the grid. Moreover, the best time to install solar panels is when you’re putting in a new roof.

2. Tankless water heater

One of the essential things you should do to secure the environment is to save energy, especially fossil-driven energy. And you can do so with a tankless water heater. Through the installation of a tankless water heater, you can minimize your energy consumption by half.

These heaters heat water on the spot, so you aren’t wasting energy by continuously heating 60 to 70 gallons of water when you aren’t using it. You will never run out of warm water if you have a tankless water heater in your home. In addition to cutting energy costs, they have other benefits over traditional water tanks: They are smaller, take up less space in landfills, last longer, and conserve water.

3. Deconstruct your home – never renovate from scratch

If you’re thinking about knocking down rooms and tearing down walls, walk around your house first to determine what you can reuse and salvage beforehand. Not only is this good for the environment, but it will help you save money.

If something isn’t broke, don’t try to fix it. Most likely, there’s a ton of material you can reuse and salvage. Consider everything from flooring tiles to fixtures, brick molding, and cabinets. If you plan to change the chandelier in one of your rooms, instead of tossing it, consider using it in another room –your kid’s bedroom, kitchen, even a bathroom.

4. Plant herbs

If you’re looking for a “cherry on top” kind of a fix, then here’s your answer – create an herb garden. Herbs do not occupy a lot of space. You can plant them in tiny pots and keep them inside or outside the house, near a sunny window. What’s the advantage? You will always have fresh herbs waiting for you within an arm’s reach. Besides, having greenery in the house can freshen up the atmosphere and uplift everyone’s mood.

5. Think energy-efficient

When shopping for new appliances, such as ovens, refrigerators, and dishwashers, search for the most energy-efficient ones.

Most of these appliances will have the “Energy Star” logo on them and will offer you all the information you need to stay green. The majority of these large appliances, especially upscale refrigerators, generate loads of electricity. For many, these large appliances are expensive and cost a great deal to run as well. Nonetheless, the benefits outweigh the cost. That said, it is best to invest in energy-efficient appliances and opt for a minor and wise fix.

6. Go for recycled furniture

Do not run to the big brand furniture store to purchase the newest and the latest. Nowadays, most of the furniture available in the market is made from recycled wood, which proves to be more eco-friendly than purchasing new. You’ll still be getting a brand-new item, but made thoughtfully, from materials that might otherwise have been thrown away or gone to a landfill.

To continue the practice, turn to auction sites or auction homes for more oversized items of furniture that you wish to have in your house. Preloved, older items can often offer years of reasonable wear and sometimes might only require minimum maintenance. Besides, it’s a lot more fun to search for antiques than browsing around a huge furniture store.

The Takeaway: Go green or else!

That concludes our list of ways to transform your home into a more environmentally friendly abode. One of the most apparent advantages of practicing sustainability is that it helps you reduce environmental pollution and allows you to lead a healthier life. Other than that, it raises self-awareness in children and implies a massive change in your community. So, what are you sitting around for then? Take these tips at heart and do your part by following them gradually, one step at a time.



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