Home Blog Health and Fitness What Is The Difference Between Hydrolyzed Collagen And Collagen Peptides?

What Is The Difference Between Hydrolyzed Collagen And Collagen Peptides?

What Is The Difference Between Hydrolyzed Collagen And Collagen Peptides

Collagen is one of the most popular supplements on the market today. It can be found in everything from protein powder to lotion, and it acts as an anti-aging agent due to its ability to replace lost Collagen in our skin. But what exactly is Collagen? Collagen peptides are small chains of amino acids from animal sources like cows or pigs (not humans), while hydrolyzed Collagen comes from fish, poultry, or beef sources. We will break down each type in this article, so you know which one is best for you.

What are collagen peptides and what is the collagen hydrolyzation process?

Collagen peptides are the proteins from Collagen. Collagen hydrolyzation is a manufacturing process that breaks down large collagen molecules into smaller ones, making it easier for your body to absorb them and use them in building tissues such as skin, joints, bones, and tendons. Hydrolyzed Collagen contains different amino acids than other forms of Collagen because these have been broken down or “pre-digested” so collagen wellness products can be more easily absorbed by your body when taken orally.

Why are collagen peptides (hydrolyzed Collagen) beneficial?

Collagen peptides are made of amino acids, one of the three macronutrients that make up protein. Amino acids are essential for your body to repair and maintain cells. By supplementing with collagen peptides, you can replace lost amino acids that slow down the aging process by preventing wrinkles on the skin and supporting optimal bone health due to its high concentration of proline (an amino acid).

Hydrolyzed Collagen also promotes digestive wellness because it contains enzymes necessary for proper digestion. People who have trouble digesting proteins can take hydrolyzed Collagen without worrying about negative side effects associated with undigested proteins in foods like gas or gas bloating.

What is the difference between regular collage supplements vs those derived from fish?

Regular collagen supplements are made from cow or pig sources, which often cause allergic reactions in some people. Fish collagens do not have the same risk because it is sourced from ocean fish instead of terrestrial animals. This makes these types of collagen peptides ideal for those who avoid animal-derived proteins due to allergies or dietary preferences/restrictions. Additionally, hydrolyzed fish collagen has been linked to encouraging hair growth and improving nails by increasing keratin production (a protein necessary for healthy hair and nails).

Is there anything else I should know about Collagen Peptides vs Hydrolyzed Collagen?

One important thing to take into account when choosing between different forms of collagen products is their bioavailability. Bioavailability is the degree and rate at which a substance (in this case, collagen peptides) can be absorbed into your bloodstream.

Your body’s ability to absorb products often depends on how it interacts with enzymes that break down food in your stomach or small intestine before being passed through to large intestines, where nutrients are absorbed. This also means you should take these supplements with meals since they will interact more with digestive enzymes. Some of them may not need any accompanying meal if taken on an empty stomach due to their high bioavailability.

What do I need to know about Collagen?

In addition, collagen molecules vary from person to person depending on age, genetics, lifestyle choices, diet & health practices, so what works for one person may not work the same for another.

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