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What Should You Include In Your Parenting Plan?

What Should You Include In Your Parenting Plan?

Many couples wonder what to include in their parenting plan. All want their child to be happy and confident, but this is rarely possible with two parents who can’t get along. Make sure you’re thorough with your plans. Be realistic about your expectations for co-parenting, and be prepared for times of conflict. Put the children first by discussing how they should spend their time during a separation or divorce- they are neither property nor pawns of warring parents and should never pay any price for parental conflict.

Schedules, including weekends

It’s essential to ensure that both parents are involved with their children daily, including school and extra-curricular activities. Using a calendar-based system is okay if you have more than one child and can’t work out a schedule together. Your parenting plan should include information about how people will handle holidays and vacations. You should only visit a trusted and professional platform like Glendale Divorce lawyer. It is also essential to agree on what days each parent will have the children and how people will spend that time. If your child or children spend part or most of each week with the other parent, you need to have some schedule for when they are with you.


It would help if you decided how you would celebrate the holidays together. If the children spend a lot of time with one parent, finding ways to bring the family together is essential. It includes making holidays an opportunity for the whole family to get together. Your parenting plan should include information about how much you will know about the goings-on in your child’s life when they are not with you. It would be best if you had a contact schedule between parents and children and rules for phone calls, emails, and letters that require communication between parents and their child or children.

Overnight stays

Deciding where they will sleep when they’re not with you is essential for children who spend a significant amount of time with both parents. It can make your children feel more comfortable when staying at their other parent’s home, especially if this is the “non-custodial” parent’s home. The child or children should remain in their bedroom and call it their own.

Sleeping schedules

It is more comfortable for your child or children if you can find a way for them to keep their standard sleeping patterns as much as possible. It includes bedtimes and wake-up times. It would help if you decided what time they need to go to sleep to get their total sleep and when they need to wake up so they can have a full day with you.

Parent’s relationship

Your children’s emotional health depends on how you resolve conflicts and disagreements. Decide how to deal with your emotions if you have a dispute or emotional breakdown in front of the children. Talk about the best way for everyone involved to maintain emotional stability, especially if either spouse is volatile or tends towards angry outbursts or other unacceptable behavior when stressed.


There are many aspects of parenting that you need to include in your parenting plan, so be sure to read it thoroughly and take advantage of the opportunity to discuss issues. You don’t want the children to feel awkward or uncomfortable in their families, so ensure they are kept as much in the middle ground as possible.

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