Home Blog Personal Care Why Choose Cruelty-Free Beard And Hair Care Products?

Why Choose Cruelty-Free Beard And Hair Care Products?

Why Choose Cruelty-Free Beard And Hair Care Products? Why Choose Cruelty-Free Beard And Hair Care Products?

Your looks, whether those that are atop your head or the flowing mane on your chin (plus your upper lip and jawline), deserve pampering like no other. Men are finally getting into the habit of hair and beard care, and we’re glad you’ve begun to consider it too.

Now, how about cruelty-free products? Do they really matter? From BillyJealousy.com – Beard and Hair Products to you, here are reasons why it’s time to switch to cruelty-free beard and hair care items.

Cruelty-Free Defined

What exactly does “cruelty-free” mean? This definition is linked to products, commodities, and/ or services whose process of procurement and/ or manufacturing did not include any experimentation on animals.

“Animal-friendly”, to say the least. A few years back, people had little to no clue of the methods the products they’d been purchasing were. But ever since the advent of environmental and animal-cruelty awareness, there have been a ton of backlash against companies who didn’t follow suit.

Today, it’s becoming a branding mechanism, and a way to earn back the trust of consumers. Cruelty-free should be for all types of commodities, even hair and beard care.

Benefits Of Cruelty-Free Beard And Hair Care Products

1. No Parabens, No Sulfates

When you say goodbye to products that didn’t go through animal testing, you’re saying hello to products that potentially have no sulphates, parabens, and other synthetic chemicals. This is because companies that are against animal-cruelty, ergo, animal-testing, follow higher standards in product safety.

2. “Cleaner” Products

This term is used majorly on products that have gone through NO animal testing and are also sustainably sourced. It’s a variable that’s vital to beard and hair care products especially because they’re directly applied to your skin (and your locks, of course).

Your skin should be constantly protected against chemically-constructed agents that may inflict either short-term and/ or long-term negative impacts.

Many hair products tend to irritate the dermis, causing it to incur pimples, redness, inflammation, and various kinds of breakouts. Not so with ones that are cruelty-free. They’re typically gentler on the skin. But that’s not to undermine their potency in strengthening hair strands and bringing them back to health.

3. Quality Over Commercialism

Countless commercialized items you see on row-upon-row of racks in groceries and department stores are mass-produced quickly, precisely because most manufacturers skip out on safer, more time-consuming procedures. The sad truth of the matter is that animal experimentation is a faster means of testing out commodities.

This could very well imply that such products that are highly commercialized and produced rapidly to meet quotas are lower in quality. And this is proven true when their processes are compared with that of sustainable and animal-friendly products.

Regulating bodies such as Cruelty-Free International have specified that there are numerous techniques which are gaining momentum (and popularity) for testing products, without the need to harm animals. AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology is able to replicate specific body parts’ reactions to certain chemicals. At the same time, cells can be cultivated in laboratories, too.

These sound more on the high-tech scale and cost more— a reason why some cruelty-free brands have relatively higher price tags. Still, better that than low-quality commodities that don’t care about the lives and well-being of animals, right?

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