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Why Won’t My Furnace Turn On?


There are a number of reasons your furnace may not be turning on. It could be an issue with the power supply, the thermostat, or the furnace itself. Keep reading to troubleshoot the issue and get your furnace up and running again.

Make sure you are getting power

Why won’t my furnace turn on? There are a few reasons why your furnace may not be coming on. One reason may be that the furnace is simply turned off. Check to make sure the switch is in the “on” position. If it is, then there may be a problem with your thermostat. Make sure that the thermostat is set to “heat” and that it is set to a temperature above the ambient temperature in your home. If it is, then there may be a problem with your furnace’s ignition system.

Check to see if there is an obstruction in front of or behind the furnace door

When your furnace doesn’t turn on, one of the first things you should do is check to see if there is an obstruction in front of or behind the furnace. If there is an obstruction, it will prevent the furnace from turning on. You can check this by opening the furnace door and looking inside. If you see anything blocking the airflow, remove it and try turning on the furnace again.

Check the thermostat to make sure it’s set to “heat” and in the correct mode

Check the thermostat to make sure it's set to heat and in the correct mode

Be sure to check the thermostat to make sure it’s set to “heat” and in the correct mode. If it is, then there are a few other things you can check. Make sure that there’s no snow or ice blocking the intake or exhaust vents. You can also try resetting the breaker that supplies power to your furnace and see if that gets it going. You can reset your furnace’s breaker by flipping it off and then back on again.

Make sure the pilot light is lit on your furnace

If your furnace is getting power but isn’t turning on, you may need to light the pilot light. The pilot light is a small flame that ignites the fuel in your furnace so it can start heating up. To check if the pilot light is lit, look for a small flame near where the gas comes out of your furnace. If it’s not lit, you can try lighting it yourself.

To light the pilot light with a match or lighter, hold the match or lighter up to the pilot light and light it. Be careful not to touch the pilot light with the match or lighter, as it may start a fire.

Make sure your furnace filter is clean

Another potential reason your furnace won’t turn on is that the filter is dirty. Furnace filters should be replaced or cleaned every month, depending on how often you use your furnace. If the filter is clogged with dust and debris, it can prevent it from turning on. To clean or replace the filter, check your furnace’s manual or contact a heating and air-conditioning professional.

There could be a number of reasons why a gas furnace isn’t turning on, but the most likely culprit is a lack of fuel. Without fuel, your furnace can’t generate heat, so it’s important to make sure that your fuel line is clear and free of obstruction. If there is no obstruction, you may need to call a technician to investigate the issue.

In a nutshell, looking into the above reasons for why your furnace won’t turn on will help you determine whether or not you need the help of an HVAC professional. If you’ve already tried everything mentioned here, it might be time to make that call.


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